
Twittern von der Titanic – Prosa in 140 Zeichen

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Ein trauriges Beispiel über Twitters Möglichkeiten für die Medien findet sich bei PDNPulse.

Unter der Überschrift „Twittering From the Titanic“ können konservative Journalisten nachlesen, warum es gerade für Sie so wichtig ist, Twitter intensiver zu nutzen. Wir Netaffinen wissen es: Den pulsierenden Strom von Nachrichten des Twitterkanals gilt es aufmerksam zu beobachten.

Kaum ein Kommunikationstool ist geeignet, Informationen so schnell zu verbreiten wie Twitter. Twitter erfordert allerdings auch ein Umdenken für DPA Ticker verwöhnte Schreibtischtäter.

PDNPulse zeigt auf, wie sie via Twitter von der Schließung der Rocky Mountain News erfahren haben. Eine Zeitung, die laut PDNPulse einen guten Namen unter Fotojournalisten hatte. Die Rocky Mountain News wird aufgrund von finanzieller Probleme und des Rückganges von Anzeigenkunden geschlossen. Die Tweets vom Untergang lesen sich tragisch, berührend, ehrlich, fast wie Prosa in 140 Zeichen:

Zitat PDN Pulse:

  • Scripps CEO Rich Boehne just announced the last edition of the Rocky Mountain News will be tomorrow, Feb. 27.
  • Mark Contreras, vp of the Scripps newspaper division says the Rocky has been on top of American journalism.
  • Contreras: Go out and find jobs but company will still pay salaries for 60 days.
  • Editor John Temple: Tomorrow will be last day of work for Rocky employees.
  • There is a lot of emotion in the newsroom.
  • Applause from room about not having to fill out clunky ADP time card system.
  • Reporters are grilling company officials the same as they grill government officials. Very professional.
  • Photographers and videographers are shooting photos and videos. Look for more coverage later today.
  • The Rocky will not continue updating the web site beyond tomorrow. Twitter and Flickr included. There will be no one here to do it.
  • Many people in Twitter community expressing dismay that Colorado’s oldest paper — older than the state itself — is closing.
  • Tears filling many eyes. A lot of frustration from people who have poured their lives into this organization.
  • One reporter joked quietly about throwing a shoe at Scripps execs.
  • Boehne: “We are deeply sorry.” Reporter says in background, “Pay my mortgage.”
  • Feels a bit like a funeral in here.
  • Temple tells reporters that a lot of stories they’ve been working on will not see the light of day.
  • Thank you everyone. It’s been fun.
  • In news meeting, puffy-eyed Managing Editor is handing out assignments. The conference room is quiet but everyone is engaged.
  • It’s strange to cover your own funeral.

Final Edition from Matthew Roberts on Vimeo.

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