Test iPhone 4s Camera App
OK folks, this is a first test of the iPhone 4s camera app. I shot the following photos in our garden. The goal was to test how professional the iPhone 4s camera app really is. Test iPhone 4s Camera: ...

Is Photography only a Remix?
I have just stumbled across these interesting thesis from Kirby Ferguson. Kirby is a genius! His statement disillusioned me in thinking creativity is more special and something different. He claim ...

Smells like fish
There are a few things, which smells like fish and one of them is in the near of the Butt of Lewis. But it started in the flat lands of the Isle of Uist. Great landscape not many travelers. I was h ...

iPhone Time Exposure
It is unbelievable what you can do with the camera function of the iPhone in terms of time exposure. I recently purchased the app Slow Shutter Cam more by accident. (There are also other apps to expa ...