Everthing must change
Everything must Change
“…No one stays the same!..
For that’s the way of time…
There are not many things in life
You can be sure of…
Except, rain comes from the clouds
Sun light up the sky
Hummingbirds do fly”
Listen to the great interpretation from Nils Landgren (Nils Landgren – Everything Must Change) that provides comfort.
It has been a while since I have published something on my blog. There has been many changes in the last year.
I am not in the mood to write much about it.
The last time I have published something personal was a family status update on facebook. I wanted this status update kept private. But Facebook made it public in my timeline without letting me know it. This was not the worst part. Totally annoying were the public reactions and comments about it. It was my mistake to trust Facebook in the first place.
This makes me think about the value of posting private stuff in public and what information is better kept private.
The NSA scandal also has a huge impact on me communicating digital and public. It is unbelievable what is going on there in terms of giving the word “private” a new meaning.
These reasons are only a glimpse of my thoughts about being very critical writing something in public today.
Everything must Change
There is this little hummingbird that brings back the opposite of digital in my life. It makes me sing about it.
Change doesn’t mean to invent something new every day. It can also mean to reduce ourselves to what is really important and finding back the roots, where we all come from.
Thank god, walking, practicing yoga, doing sports, riding bicycle, fishing and reading the newspapers become important for me again. And I am also on my way finding a new meaning in photography.
There are more things we can be sure of especially in times of change: Clouds must NOT bring rain and they can be light up from something unexpected even when it is dark outside.
There is a strong believe in me that photography is all about light: Light that light up our lives.
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