Where have you been this winter? Probably #there!
So many photographers have been to Lofoten this winter. A friend of mine was #there. He told me that he met a lot of landscape photographers #there, even popular ones from the US. I met them too al ...

Everthing must change
Everything must Change "...No one stays the same!.. For that's the way of time... There are not many things in life You can be sure of... Except, rain comes from the clouds Sun light up the sky ...

The crisis of blogging
Google will shut down its greatest function of the whole Google system. Google Reader will not be there anymore on the first of july. What this means for bloggers is obvious. It will be not easy to he ...

3 lessons about struggeling in landscape photography
In the beginning of the last winter I planned a small trip to Denmark. I visited a region in the north knowing that there is a good place to stay with the van. As usual I was really good prepared for …

Photography: How much manipulation is allowed?
Yes, there is manipulation in my photos!
It is no secret that real nature is different than what you can see in photos, not only in mine.