OlafBathke.de – New design, new overview

Dear friends. This is the new Look and Feel of OlafBathke.de.
The new design and structure of my homepage is a big step forward.
It was very confusing to read about my work as a photographer on different layouts and in different structures over the last months. Shame on me that I haven’t fixed it earlier.
I am very pleased that the new Design is clear and functional. It enables me speaking in English and German in the same way.
Sending in English language was new to me when I started switching my public relation work to English. But I am proud to see that there are so many people outside willing to follow my English words. It is not easy as a European – to be precise as a German speaking European – to get so much international attention.
Thank you very much!
So I hope you like the new Design. If you haven’t already followed my blog now is the time to grab the RSS Feed of my English speaking Blog. There were lots of blog posts following in the next weeks. Don’t miss to add me on GooglePlus and Twitter.
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